Sunday, August 7, 2011

looking cool when its HOT

I'd like to tell you that I look super fresh and cool when it's a scorching 115 outside but the truth is I don't.....this; however, is my ultimate goal (okay, maybe its impossible to look super fresh while dripping in sweat but I'll try my best). Right now I spend a lot of time indoors and avoiding the daily dread of finding something to wear that isn't going to a) be ridiculously hot and b) make me look fat (although it's probably my fat that's making me look fat).  I've hit a wall and am ready to say "enough is enough" and take my life back and look good while doing it and figured what better way to hold myself accountable than to create a fashion blog to for the whole world to follow my progress along the way.  I'm going to be honest and tell you that in the beginning I don't think I will be posting many pictures since I don't have much that is very fashionable or that fits me and I'm not going to go buying new clothes just to post some fashion pics when I don't plan on fitting in them for very long.  Once I get to the point that some of my older clothes are fitting I will start posting pictures.....until then I will start browsing the Internet or pinterest and post pictures of outfits I like and clothes I'm planning to wear in the future.  Wish me luck, my grocery shopping is done and my journey starts in the morning.......

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